Gel Plugins

This page lists the different plugins available for Gel. To use a plugin, simply drop the plugin jar into the Gel/plugin directory and restart Gel. Navigate to Tools->Options->Plugins and add the plugin into Gel.

Pretty PrinterThis plugin integrates the JRefactory plugin into Gel. To use this plugin, you need to download JRefactory and copy the jrefactory.jar into Gel/plugin along with this plugins jar.OriginalGerald Nunn
Jar MakerThis plugin provides a graphical interface for creating jars.20 Nov 02Dimitry Levin
RefactoringIntegrates the refactoring capabilities of JRefactory into Gel. To use this plugin, you need to download JRefactory and copy the jrefactory.jar into Gel/plugin along with this plugins jar.10 Dec 02Annemieke Horsman
FTPEnables you to easily FTP files such as class and jsp files to a remote server from Gel.13 Jan 03Michael Montuori
PMDIntegrates PMD into Gel, enables people to check code for unused fields, unused local variables and so forth. Click link and scroll down list of files for Gel version.18 Apr 03Tom Copeland